It's a state of mind


Interpult Studio

Trent 06/09/2019
Articles and content in this section of the website are really amazing Color is such a driving force for us all..very great idea. thanks for share it. I also don t have a favorite color. I think every color is beautiful and don t want to just like one. God made all colors in the world he created so I can t even think about choosing just one color. I will say that I wear lots of black but I do that for two different reasons. One because my husband didn t like me to wear bright colors or any colors as far as that goes and the second is because I am over weight and I wear it to help me look thinner. If I do chose color, it isn t any particular one. I usually paint the walls of my house white or close to it so I can don t have to just use one color very long and can change it around more often without having to paint the walls all the time.
Interpult Studio